I can't imagine seeing a Falco double in concert, I only want to see the "real" man himself. I still find it hard to believe Falco is no longer with us.
So, how was the concert, how was the sound? Did it do justice to the music we all love so much?
It was nice. Of course, it was not like it was the real Falco, but tht will never happen in this life
He played like 25 songs i think, including some that are not very popular. He tries to act on stage like Falco did so it's good.
The sound is good, he really tries to sing it like Falco. His accent is a bit different, since he's from Berlin, and not Austrian.
You can check on facebook if you wanna see some video of him.
Yes, you are right, of course, a Falco double is the best we can do now.
I have just "rediscovered" Falco after being a fan back in the 80's. I was shocked to find out about the tragic accident. I'm a bit obsessed now, have all the albums, have everything I can lay my hands on in fact.
He was so talented, the music is timeless.