Lyrics traduits des chansons de Falco Out of the Dark | | |
I can never get enough of you
You are in each breath
Everything revolves around you
Why me of all people?
Count the hours, the seconds
But time seems to stand still
I've slaved away, tried to find my way out
Leave me be!
What else do you want, you want my days numbered
Why must you torment me with my longing,
Your hell burns in me
You are my life-elixir
I am torn
When will you come to kiss my wounds.
Out of the dark... do you hear the voice that says to you
Into the light... I give up and close my eyes
Out of the dark... do you hear the voice that says to you
I give up and you waste your tears to the night
I am ready, because it is time
For our bond over eternity
You are already there, quite near, I can feel you
I'll let you entice me, abduct me
In your power tonight for the last time
Give me your hand, my life, name your price
I give you yesterday, today and tomorrow
Then the set closes
No way back, the white light approaches
Piece for piece, I want to give in,
Must I die, In order to live?
Out of the dark...
Version originale
Tiré de l'album Out of the Dark (1998)
Index des lyrics traduits
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