Lyrics traduits des chansons de Falco Propaganda | | |
The Cubans - so strong
The CIA - so wrong
The white race so privatiated
The White House turbulated
The people ignorant to every borderline
Havanna´s going through a real hard time
The soldier for the Pallazzo(palace) shows his riffle
Oh Generalissimo(General)
What´s you gonna do with your one-man show?
What do the best of the best need?
What does the best propaganda need?
Too many leaders
and no Indians
in spite of propaganda
The new Sheriff is so intergrated
In the whorehouse everybody got him rated
The men of the West want that one thing
Hips, lips and slender legs
Even Conchita(girl) gets in the clear
Were talking hard dollars here
The hour fits the budget
Then what the indian kills
Doesn´t give the leader a second chance
Oh Generallisimo
What´s you gonna do with your one-man show?
Version originale
Tiré de l'album Nachtflug (1992)
Index des lyrics traduits
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