Lyrics traduits des chansons de Falco Titanic | | |
Look around you at what´s going on
Does all this lead somewhere, maybe not
Here helps only one more thing
Champagne Caviar, visions of nobility
Let´s deca-dance in any case
Men in smoking all around
Then noble goes the world down
In this very last hour
Morbidity for you and me...
The Titanic sinks in panic
all by itself
but fast
with all the millions in cash
and all the doors locked
The Titanic sinks in panic
all by itself
but good
then who´s able to save oneself in any way
has lost all courage by the break of day
Decadence for you and me, decadence...
In any case I decided for myself
Dont care if it´s noble or not
It´s better to be newly rich then not rich at all
and in company never alone
Let´s decadence at all events,
In Waltzpace untill the last step
Then when the Waltzer got the right pace
He´s fit to leave
Morbidity for you and me...
Version originale
Tiré de l'album Nachtflug (1992)
Index des lyrics traduits
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21/08/19 RIP Alois Hölzel! :( 07/03/17 Falco 60 est numéro 1 en Autriche! 19/02/17 Nouvelles partitions
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