Lyrics traduits des chansons de Falco Rock me Amadeus | | |
He was a Punker
And he lived in the big city
It was in Wien, was Vienna
Where everything is a fact
He had debts and then he began to drink
But he loved all woman
And everyone said:
Come and rock me Amadeus
He was a Superstar
He was so popular
He was so exalted
Because he had style
He was a Virtuose
Was a Rockidol
And everyone said:
Come and rock me Amadeus
It was 1780
And it was in Vienna
No plastic money anymore
The banks were against him
From where the debts came
Was known by everybody
He was a ladies man
Woman loved his Punk.
Version originale
Tiré de l'album Falco 3 (1985)
Index des lyrics traduits
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