Lyrics traduits des chansons de Falco Junge Roemer (Young Romans) | | |
Young Romans, young
The laurel ring, a new dance
swings rhythm into the hips of the city
One sees and knows and talks to himself
About what the night has to say
Don't ask about new traditional values
See white light, see only feelings
The night belongs to us until the morning
For us to play with each other
Let this journey never end
So doing comes from being alone
Alone from dimensions
The illusions and sensations will be worth it
Give me more
Young Romans - dance differently from the others
They dearly love their sisters, more than the rest of the world
Ask young Romans - you know the sun still, they know the concerns
Young Romans - the night is still young,
Forget about it until morning
In English:
A new dance bringsrhythm to the hips of the city
We meet, we find, we search what is happening
But don't look for values, but rather sensations
The night is ours until the morning, we have illusions
It's not the end of the journey, there is always a tomorrow and
There are dimensions, with illusions and feelings
Give me more ...
Young romans, young
Young Romans - you know the sun still,
The night is still young
And in the country where each dream landed, nevertheless - we forget
Young Romans - there is a night before each day
and that price is still to pay
Never stop this old erosion phantastic voyage
Version originale
Tiré de l'album Junge Römer (1984)
Index des lyrics traduits
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